What we charge for

Charges for non-NHS services

There are some services that are not available on the NHS – or only in very limited circumstances, for instance cosmetic procedures, some advanced dermatology procedures, osteopathy.

GPs can set up private practices to provide these services although they must not be treating their practices’ registered patients.

GP practices also are able to charge for certain administration, medical and clinical services. These are services not covered by the NHS contract the practice hold with NHS England.

Below you will find a list of chargeable services that are offered from Chiswick Health Practice – please be aware that this list is not exhaustive and if you are unsure if the administration, clinical service you require is not listed then please call 0208 630 1600 or email chiswickhealth.practice@nhs.net the practice to enquire if your specific request is chargeable.

List of commonly requested chargeable services at Chiswick Health Practice

Letter / Form / ServiceCOST
Private Sick Note£40.00
Private consultations e.g. visitors from outside the EU  Min fee £50 per 15 min GP consultation
Private Prescription, e.g. for travel abroad£15.00
Private medical insurance claim formSimple £40 / complex £70
Holiday cancellation claim form£40.00
Diabetic insurance form (form only)£35.00
Holiday insurance repatriation form (Complex)£70.00
Fitness To Travel documents – fitness to attend School Summer Camp etc.£40.00
Fitness to fly£40.00
As above with medical£120.00
Anaphylaxis form for schools use£20.00
Council Travel concession form / Council Housing relocation£20.00
Simple “To Whom It May Concern” Letters, eg. Fitness to attend state school, university, exam, take part in shows etc: simple letter with only one line or short paragraph.£40.00  
As above but requires more information£35.00
Complex Medical Letters, eg. covering more than one medical issue or complex problem & requiring multiple paragraphs and or pages etc. Practice to confirm cost prior to completion  £120
Letters or forms for; Weight Watchers / Slimming World / Lighter Life£40.00
Fitness to compete – Cycle race, Marathon, etc – no exam needed£40.00
Fitness to compete – Cycle race, Marathon, etc – if exam required£75.00
Full set of patient notes copied for patient£50.00
Childminders’ forms & nursing home assessment forms£80.00
Medical exam for Pensions, Adoption, etc£120.00
Driver fitness report (PSG/HGV/Taxi etc) Exam & Report£120.00
Pre-employment medical exam & report£150.00
Legal & Insurance Medical Reports with Medical Exam carried out at surgery, i.e. Mental Capacity Act or Power of Attorney reports etc/£150.00 minimum fee
Legal & Insurance Medical Reports with Medical Exam carried our at patient’s own home or at a Care Home, i.e. Mental Capacity Act or Power of Attorney reports etc£200.00 minimum fee
Travel Immunisations. – NHS patient but non-NHS drug£40.00
Travel Immunisations. – private patient (per course)£40.00
Occupational Hep B vaccination (employer must pay)  £120.00 for routine programme / £150.00 for fast track
International certificate of vaccination£40.00
Disabled Blue Badge Scheme  Paid by local authority
Cremation Forms£82.00